Active Shooter Detection Pressure Sensor Technology

Gunshot detection has become an active way for schools, transportation hubs, malls, banks, and other public places to take action against the growing number of active shootings in our country. The time it takes law enforcement to respond is critical to the number of lives saved. The faster and more accurate a system is, the lower the injury and fatalities are from active shooter incidents. 

ShotAlert's pressure sensor technology reduces law enforcement alert times by an average of 300 precious seconds. ShotAlert is the most accurate system available with the least number of false alarms because it is designed to detect the unique pressure wave that is generated by a gunshot. When a gun is fired, it creates a shockwave that travels through the air and can be detected by a sensitive pressure sensor. ShotAlert's sensors are specifically designed to capture this pressure wave with a high degree of accuracy and sensitivity.

Many other systems only rely on line of sight, often missing incidents that occur around a corner. But ShotAlert uses both the pressure detection and the sound detection method to affirm accuracy and reduce false alarms. 

The technology behind ShotAlert is complex, but the basic principle is simple. The sensors are designed to detect a sudden change in air pressure; when this is coupled with the acoustic wave, it is indicative of a gunshot. When a gunshot occurs, the air pressure in the immediate vicinity of the gun changes rapidly, creating a pressure wave that can be detected by the sensors. ShotAlert's sensors are designed to be highly sensitive and can detect even the smallest pressure changes.

Once the sensors detect a pressure wave, they send a signal to the central processing unit (CPU), which then analyzes the data to determine whether or not a gunshot has occurred. The CPU is able to do this by comparing the pressure data with other data, such as the acoustic wave of the gunshot. By capturing and comparing both the pressure and acoustic events that occur within milliseconds of each other, ShotAlert is able to distinguish between gunshots and other loud noises with a high degree of accuracy.

Another advantage of ShotAlert's pressure sensor technology is that it can be used in a wide range of environments. The system can save precious seconds in schools, hospitals, shopping malls, grocery stores, and government buildings.

In addition to detecting gunshots, ShotAlert's pressure sensor technology has other applications as well. For example, it can be used to detect explosions, which generate similar pressure waves to gunshots. This makes ShotAlert a versatile tool for keeping people safe in a variety of situations.

In conclusion, ShotAlert's pressure sensor technology is a groundbreaking development in the field of gunshot detection. By capturing both the pressure and sound events within milliseconds of each other, ShotAlert is able to accurately detect gunshots and distinguish them from other loud noises. This technology has the potential to save countless lives by alerting authorities to the presence of an active shooter and allowing them to respond quickly and effectively. With gun violence becoming an increasingly pressing issue in our society, the need for reliable and accurate gunshot detection technology has never been more urgent. ShotAlert's pressure sensor technology is a step in the right direction towards a safer and more secure future.


Gunshot Detection System - Technology Made in the USA


Seconds Matter.